
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Souda & Ken

My first official photo shoot of 2012 went a little like this... simply amazing. We had a great time and weather was cooperating (for the majority of the morning :P) But my clients were awesome and the location was perfect, chosen by the groom as well!

Sue & Duy's e-session

I don't know how but I'm always so blessed with gorgeous couples. If I never knew Sue I would think she was a Hong Kong celebrity! These two make it so easy to capture their relationship. The heart of Stratford was definitely a great choice!

Baby Logan Moua

Who can resist this little one!! Logan was such a good quiet baby during the entire shoot. I felt horrible for waking him up during his afternoon nap but he was a great little model! Future heartbreaker ladies... watch out! ;)

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart."

Author: Mandy Harrison

Suelynn's Bridal Shower

I honestly believe a bridal shower should be captured just as any wedding or engagement, since they hold just as much importance. This past summer I was invited to photograph a bridal shower over in Bayfield for Sue and her friends. Her bridesmaids did an amazing job creating an amazing atmosphere for Sue and her friends. Definitely felt like a real wonderland. :)
